Sarrail Ridge Highpoint Scramble Sept 18, 2021 AKA Rawson Lake Ridge

Sarrail Ridge above Rawson Lake – Pic by Rupinder Singh
Sarrail Ridge – scrambling out of groove – pic by Rupinder Singh


The Normal Rawson Lake to Sarrail Ridge Hike attains the ridge above Rawson Lake at a col and the hike stops before the steep face on the Highpoint. This ridge on the North side of the lake is also known as Rawson Lake Ridge in Andrew’s More Scrambles in the Canadian Rockies, Third Edition. This ridge is not to be confused with the ascent ridge for Mount Sarrail(NW Ridge) which is accessed from the trail into Aster Lake.

Rainy and snowy day so plan C was hike Rawson Lake and Sarrail ridge and scramble up and over the highpoint and down the other side back to the lake outlet and trail. Fun but wet trip with a short moderate scramble with careful route finding. Steep loose face with Exposure so use low angle ramps to access base of a groove beside a rectangular block. Up groove (moderate scramble – Class 3 with exposure) and then move right onto easier ledges. Up and right to base of a left ramp and then up to top.

924 m and 11.3 km RT as it was shorter to follow ridge down to lake outlet. Easy but steep travel down through trees back to lake outlet and trail. Some deadfall but good game trails.

Some video and marked pics. The pics and video of us scrambling on the face and on top were taken by Rupinder Singh. Thank you.

Pics Second click on a pic for largest size but loose comments.

About Bill Kerr

Weekend climber, scrambler and backcountry skier from Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
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