Summit of Saint Nicholas Peak Wapta Icefield ski

Lower Ramp Route on Balfour, Wapta Traverse
Note marked route picture up Balfour ramp Large version.
Four day traverse from Bow Lake over the icefields to exit at West Louise Lodge on Highway 1.(Sherbrooke Lake exit)
About 40 km and about 1500 m of elevation gain and loss depending on peaks climbed. We climbed Saint Nicholas but we were in whiteout/snowing at Balfour col so didn’t get Balfour. ( 1750 m if do Balfour)
Stayed at Bow Hut, Balfour hut and Scott Duncan hut.
Thanks to everyone for a great trip and especially Scott for organizing.
Thanks also to Clayton for the use of some of his pictures.
Wapta traverse pictures – use full screen slideshow.
Feel free to download copies of anything. Go to largest version and right click to download. Contact me if you want a higher res version.
Wietse’s writeup and pictures Wapta Traverse
Trip Notes for next time:
- Zero degree C bag was warm enough in unheated hut with 8 guys despite – 10 C overnight low.
- needed dark glasses (< 10 % light) and side/nose shields for really sunny days(photochromic not dark enough)
- need spf > 30 for face and lips
- harness – lengthened leg loops to get harness waist belt above pack hip belt.
- Less food – use 1.5 lbs/day/person – less nuts, fruit bars, power bars, pita, and gatorade powder.
- limit extra clothes and batteries.